4 Reasons To Consider Monthly Parking When Traveling By Air

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Traveling For Business

There are a lot of people who only travel for pleasure, but I mainly travel for work purposes. I work for a large company that sends me all over the globe to promote our products, and it has been difficult to learn how to stay comfortable on the road. I work hard to do everything I can to prepare for my trips, but some hotels make it difficult to stay comfortable during the journey. This blog is completely dedicated to traveling for business and learning how to be a tourist--even when you aren't in a city simply to enjoy your free time.

4 Reasons To Consider Monthly Parking When Traveling By Air

18 January 2023
 Categories: Travel, Blog

Are you planning an extended vacation or trip away from home? If so, there is a good chance that you will be traveling by air. In 2021 alone, United States airlines flew at least 674 million traveling passengers to their destinations, and many of these individuals left their personal vehicles behind. If you will be heading out by airplane and are not sure what to do with your car, monthly airport parking may be something to consider. Check out a few good reasons to consider monthly parking at the airport instead of leaving your vehicle at home. 

Skip Paying for Transportation to and from the Airport 

If you live a long distance from the airport, paying for transportation to and from the airport can be pretty expensive. For example, paying for a taxi could cost $2.70 per mile or more, depending on your location. If you are located 100 miles from the airport, you could be facing a bill of hundreds of dollars just to get to your flight. Driving your own vehicle, even with the costs of monthly parking assumed, may be a more affordable option. 

Ensure Your Vehicle Is in a Safe Place While Away from Home 

Monthly parking facilities are well-regarded for the security measures they take to keep people's personal vehicles protected while they are away. Depending on the location you choose, the facility may offer any number of protective measures, such as: 

  • Gated access to the parking garage 
  • Around-the-clock surveillance of the vehicles 
  • Security guards on-site at all times 
  • Access is restricted only to those paying for monthly parking 

Avoid Inconveniencing Friends and Family Members 

While you may have acquaintances that are willing to drive you to the airport or pick you up when you come back home, this can be an inconvenient favor to ask. For one, whoever agrees has to make arrangements to make sure you get to the airport on time. Then, they have to make the trip back home. If you live a long way from the airport, this can be incredibly inconvenient. Lastly, when you are scheduled to return, the person picking you up could easily be left waiting for hours if your flight gets delayed. 

Take Advantage of Monthly Airport Parking and Simplify Your Trip 

In so many ways, paying for monthly parking at the airport can simplify your travel plans. Be sure to check out the parking options available at the airport before you finalize your travel plans. For more information on monthly airport parking, contact a professional near you.